domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012


Peru: Archaeologists find 2,800-year-old tombs in Pacopampa, Cajamarca

A team led by Japanese archaeologist Yuji Seki has uncovered five tombs dating to 700-800 B.C. at the site of Pacopampa, in Cajamarca.
According to a report in Peru21, the five tombs are believed to be linked to those five members of the Pacopampa culture who managed an ancient temple on the site. One of those tombs was of a young member of the site’s elite, though the gender of the remains has not yet been determined.
Among the artifacts recovered in the 2,800-year-old tombs are gold lockets, pottery and stone beads.
Pacopampa was the site of the 2009 discovery of the so-called Lady of Pacopampa, who was found buried with various artifacts. In addition to the tombs and the temple walls which have been discovered on the site, monoliths, stele and pottery have been recovered at Pacopampa.

Archaeologists document a newly-found tomb (Wilfredo Sandoval/El Comercio)
Archaeologists believe that Pacopampa developed shortly after the Chavín culture, located in nearby Áncash. Exploration of the site is being carried in a project run jointly by San Marcos National University and the National Ethnographic Museum of Osaka, Japan.